Member Feature - Chris Sears

Chris Sears

January was a bit chaotic, so February was all about getting the show on the road and creating habits that actually stick! We would love to get to know you a little bit more, what your life is like at The Cove and what are some day to day non-negotiables you include in your daily routine that help you get the most out of every day!

Hi Chris, thanks for chatting to us. You’re quite new to The Cove, welcome! Please tell us about your business, Launch North?

Launch North is a digital marketing agency that focuses on ROI for all our clients. Our range of services includes Web Design, Search Engine Optimisation, Google Ads and Social Media Marketing.

I really wanted to create something specially that provides our clients with complete transparency of how their campaigns are performing. This has allowed us to grow quite quickly as our clients are supporting us with a lot of word-of-mouth business.

What initiated your move to The Cove?

As the Launch North team grew, I knew I wanted an exciting place to work, we reviewed many different offices, but none would compare to the atmosphere and the admin support that The Cove offers.

I’ve had many offices throughout the years and The Cove has simply been the best space I’ve encountered and easily became the obvious choice for us.

Managing a team and running the usual day to day, would have its challenges, tell us how do you get it all done? What are some of your favourite productivity tools / platforms that you can’t live without? (Can be Slack, Toggl etc)

Running a growing business certainly can have its challenges. I’m a firm believer in chunking my time in key areas of the business which I review daily. This includes daily team meetings, sales meetings, project reviews and training. By performing these tasks daily, I find we stay on top of our projects, and we can continue to grow.

The tools we use are paramount to our success and is constantly evolving. Our aim is to remove redundancy’s so that we’re not working harder internally but can focus more on our client work.

Below is a list of tools that we are using:

  • Slack – Internal team communication. It’s great for keeping everything in one place
  • Asana – This tool is essential to ensuring all our tasks are being completed and are time tracked.
  • Portal – Our portal tool tracks our client success and is often reviewed to make sure our clients are succeeding.
  • SharePoint – Managing our files and keeping everything in one place
  • HubSpot – This is a fantastic CRM for keeping all client communication in one place.

What are some non-negotiables that help you get the most out of each work day? (Can be as simple as a morning routine, or daily check-ins)

Building a solid routine is one of the best things anyone can do. All our team have a daily to do list, calendars are scheduled each day and our tasks are prioritised. This helps to make sure we are reaching our goals on a daily.

Each day we have a morning scrum so that all team members know what we’re accountable for each day and an afternoon scrum to make sure we’re progressing forward.

Let’s talk habits! What are some current habits you are looking at shifting in 2022? (Ie. getting up an hour earlier, or stop scrolling so much throughout the day…)

From the start of 2022, this has been a big focus for me so throughout 2022 it’s not building new habits but more so enforcing existing ones.

These include waking up at 5am each morning, early morning workout (and another in the afternoon), meditating and focusing on my diet so that my energy levels are higher throughout the day.

How will you tackle this?

Building a solid habit only takes 21 days usually, and once you’re there and committed to your goals it becomes so much easier.

For someone who is just starting out in their business, what are some habits/advice you would recommend?

If you’re a small business owner, treat your business like it’s a corporation with 100+ staff. Make sure you have team meetings with your team for key areas of the business (if you don’t have staff, block that time out for yourself so you’re still doing it).

If you’re a new business, I would recommend spending 4 hours a day (every day) to grow your business until you can find the right people to do this for you.

Quick fire-away questions…s

  • Currently listening to… Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • Currently reading… Leadership Mastery – How to Challenge Yourself and Other to Greatness by Dale Carnegie
  • Tell us something only a local would know… When at Hellenika ordering the Zucchini Chips is a must!
  • If you weren’t the “SEO Guy” you would be.. The Real Estate Guy

Thank you for the light that you bring into our space. We feel privileged to watch first-hand the success you are continuing to build for yourself. The Cove wishes you all the best moving through the year and into 2022.

February 21, 2022
The Cove is a space to create, collaborate and connect your business with industry leaders, entrepreneurs and small businesses alike.
Copyright 2020 Cove Cowork.
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